New Dehli: Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar spent his 18 years working to educate the tribal girl. Now the man is earning a new name for being a notorious hub of cyber crime. The group is reportedly managed to dupe the director of a security services company of Rs 50 Lakh through an unauthorized bank account number.
According to the reports, the cyber criminal group carried out the transaction without requesting a one time password (OTP). They repeatedly left him unanswered calls on his mobile phone, allowing them to fraudulently withdraw Rs 50 Lakh. According to the investigations, the man lives in Jamatra area of Jharkhand.
The Big Trap
- Director of a security services firm received missed calls during the time frame from 7PM -8:44 PM
- He looked at his phone to check messages of RTGS transactions worth Rs 50 Lakh.
- Bank sent multiple message Sto confirm the transactions
The Times of India reported, several RTGS transactions of mor Ethan Rs 50 Lakh were stolen by the thieves from the current account of the man’s company.
According to the police, it might be a ‘SIM Swap’. They have initiated RTGS transfer and enabled OTP over the phone. SIM swap is a process where fraudsters gain access to Customer’s Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) or may obtain a duplicate card for the registered mobile number.
The thieves used the OTP received on duplicate SIM to carry out unauthorized transactions.
Read more:
10 Scammers Posing as Arab Bank Employees Arrested by Cyber Crime
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